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Friday, January 21, 2011

Still nothing!

Well I got on the scale this morning hoping that I would see something.  Nothing!  Zippo!  Well, I haven't been honoring the no eating after 8pm :(  so I guess I really need to get going on that.  At least there was NO gain.  I can deal with that.  I have to start making mini goals...I seem to fight more and do better when I have something to reach for.  I have still been eating thing I really should not be eating for example: Cr cheese and Ritz crackers.  Yes they are both the low fat version but I still have to stop that.  SO my first mini goal I have decided to stop eating after 8pm at least for this week.  So starting tonight through Jan 28 I will not be eating after 8pm.  A weight goal is to lose 3 lbs this week.  I know it sounds high for one week but I have the extra water weight that I know will come off so that makes it a bit higher usually.  Lets see if I reach my goal next week by doing those two things.  The soda is coming along really good, I'm actually REALLY proud of myself and I know if I had added that back into my fails I would have gained for sure.  I do have a soda once in a great while but it's not an every day thing now. I feel like I have control of it :D I'm maybe having one every two weeks or so.  Well, better get going here, have lots to do.  Hope everyone reading has a great day today :D And thank you for reading!

1 comment:

  1. Not only are you holding extra water for natural reasons, but the salty snacks cause you to hold more. Odds are you have lost fat weight but it just isn't showing.
