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Sunday, January 16, 2011

You Call That a Scale?

Who needs a bathroom scale the most? People trying to lose/manage their weight. Who needs to lose weight the most? People who are obese and morbidly obese.

So why do so many bathroom scales not work over 330 pounds? Ours is one of those and it maxes out at 330 pounds. Add a fraction of a pound or more and you just get an E on the display. When we bought it (not long ago) it was the only one we could find without buying online that even worked over 300.

Until recently I couldn't even tell how much I weighed without going to the local clinic and that required an appointment (not free either.) The scale where we had a fitness membership even had a max capacity of 275!

Maybe it's a symptom of the increasing obesity in the US. Maybe it's due to large and larger people showing up on The Biggest Loser and proving that weight loss is possible even for us bigger folk. Maybe it is just improvements in the technology. Whatever the reason, I'm starting to see scales good for up to 400 lbs now in Target and other stores.

I guess the point of this post is that you need to watch what you are buying if you go out to get a scale and are over 300 pounds. Don't assume it will work for you just because the scale at the Dr's office does. Read the label and make sure it can handle the load. Its depressing to step on a scale just to have it wince in pain.

BTW, based on all of the consumer testing info I've seen, you should avoid the old dial-style scales these days. They never really were all that accurate and apparently that hasn't changed. Go digital.


  1. Ah yes but the good thing is, you won't have to weigh in higher then that again :)

  2. I do not know what mine goes up to as it was a gift. BUT I do know it is accurate as the gym and Dr's scale say the same thing. :)
